Friday 15 December 2017

State Diagram of Retail Store Management System

Draw the State Diagram

Retail Store Management System

The Retail Store Management System is a system designed for managing i.e. for ordering,
arranging and selling goods. The Retailer checks for the availability of goods in the store. If the
stock of goods is less than retailer places order for goods. While ordering the goods, goods area
received at store, the retailer then arranges them by product or by price, then retailer makes
payment. If the stock of goods is available then he will arrange goods for selling. The retailer
then sales the goods directly to the customer. The customer buys the items from retailer. The
retailer prepares bill for goods purchased by the customer, he receives amount by credit or by
cash from customer. The supplier supplies the goods to the store in the system. The overall
system is used to manage the goods in the store.


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